Development of National Intelligent Transport Systems Strategy

Ref. No.


The consulting services include development of National ITS Strategy aligned with national and international (EU) legal framework and plan for its implementation. The specific objectives of this assignment are: Identify potentials and weaknesses in the ITS legal, organizational, technology and application implementation and develop strategic actions and measures to be address for full legal, institutional, technical and operational deployment of ITS on National Level, aligned with international standards. Actions shall cover the period of 10 years and shall recommend priority areas and timeline of projects, activities, initiatives and policies, as well as indicators for progress reporting. Final Delivery shall comprise of National ITS Strategy and Action Plan including financial needs for short, medium- and long-term actions. The scope of work of the consultant will include but not be limited to the following activities and deliverables:

  • Review of existing National plans, policy frameworks, laws and by-laws, national implementation plans and other relevant documents and recommend necessary amendment of the existing legal framework and technical standards – Legal Context;
  • Undertake stakeholder mapping and analysis – Institutional Context;
  • Undertake a situational analysis of ITS implementation to date, identification of constrains and opportunities for continuity and sustainable implementation – Technology Context;
  • Based on existing sectorial strategic documents and through a consultative process and application of analytical tools, identify vision and mission statement with strategic objectives / priority areas – SWOT analysis;
  • Propose policy options for achieving the strategic Objectives – Policy options;
  • Based on the vision and mission statement and strategic objectives of the ITS introduction, develop the ITS application prioritization framework which will inform development of short-, medium-, and long-term deployment scenarios – prioritization framework;
  • Asses current standardization practices and potentials for industry participation and expansion in standardized and compatible manner – Market Context;
  • Develop, validate and propose scenarios for procurement strategy and costing – Strategic Financial Plan;
  • Propose institutional arrangements for monitoring the implementation of the strategy;
  • Propose architecture and standardization roadmap;
  • Propose implementation plan with estimated budgets and responsible agencies – Action Plan with log frame;
  • Conduct stakeholders’ meetings to validate the developed deliverables before proposing the draft Strategy and Implementation Plan – Stakeholders Workshops;
  • Propose measures for achieving objectives for priority areas and monitoring indicators for key results (implementation monitoring and reporting plan);
  • Environmental Context – In accordance with national legislation, Law on Environment, the Consultant, through the MoTC shall obtain a Decision related to the need/or not for preparation of Strategical Environmental Assessment (SEA) related to environmental impact of the ITS Strategy.

The services include the following main tasks:

  • Task 1: Sectorial diagnosis;
  • Task 2: ITS Mission statement and Vision;
  • Task 3: National ITS Strategy with Action Plan;
  • Task 4: Operationalization of National Traffic Management Center and ITS applications;

